Since we have three military bases in Beaufort we put a large military base on our property. We made it environmentally friendly by putting together a environmental training program for all soliders. We built a large wall around the water so things would not get in the water. We used solar powered energy for our buildings. We put together a research team to look into solar powered weapons and biodegradable bullets. We would also try to use recycled plastics in our weapons.
Reece, Huntley, Dean
I like the Idea of making a big wall so harmful chemicals don't get into the water.I think you did an awesome job.
I realy liked your picture you three.Why did you put large milatery bases.Here we only have one here.good job.
I like how you put a three militatat basese in your community.
I like that you put millittary. you guys put really good things.
I like the military base.We did not think about that.
I like your army bass!!!
I like your army bass!!!
You did great on your spelling!Also, it was a great picture and you did a few mistakes,but it was great!
good job but you need a school.
Very interesting ideas on how to make the military more environmentally friendly. About a mile from our school, we have the Rocky Mountain Arsenal where they used to make chemical weapons during World War II. In the last 20 years or so they have been working on cleaning up the land and water and have introduced local wildlife like owls, deer and even buffalo. We go there on field trips sometimes. Go to http://www.fws.gov/rockymountainarsenal/ for more information.
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