I got the following question from Mrs. Hines classroom blog in Beaufort, NC and I thought it was a good one. So I ask the same...
"If you could give your teachers some advice about how to help you learn, what would you say?
What is something that every teacher should know, but you don’t think they do?"
AMI Day 6 Civil Rights Vocabulary
1 day ago
You could make a video or you could let us listen to a song about the lesson.
The thing that teachers probely don't know is how to divide a three digit number with a three digit number.
I would tell my teacher. That It would help me to learn better. If we learn somthing hard with a game. Like learning division wit "DIVISON DASH." Also mutiplication with "MULTIPLICATION WRESTILING".
To begin with if I had to give my teacher some advice I would tell them not to give that much homework. I would tell them that because they give us to much homework, and then in the afternoon kids are tied up with sports, after school activites and other stuff they don't have time to just sit and do homework all afternoon. Another problem is that we have to many teachers and if they each give every child 2 papers for homework that would be about 6 sheets of homework each day. So you can see if I had to give my teacher a little advice I think that is what I would tell my teacher.
Mary Claire
When teachers yell, that puts pressure on students who need your help on a question or something. You might be stressed, angry, ect. Say, Kyle needs your help and you get mad at him. Teachers should make students feel comfortable when they ask questions. So, I think you should not yell at students when they ask you a question, if you are stressed, try to say it in a nice way.
The advice I would give teachers is that kids like to have fun.For the teachers that do make learning fun You are the best teachers ever!For an example Mrs.Heaton is one of the teachers that makes learning fun!Mrs.Heaton is a good example because in Science we are learning about composting and she is letting the class make are own class worm bin.Other teachers would proble not let us do that.You also have to be nice,and kind.This is some advise I would give teachers.Alexis
I think advice for teachers is to not give very much homework. For example kids would like to have Mrs.Heaton beacause she doesn't give alot of homework. She will get a good reputation from kids.
A thing that would help me learn is not giving report cards.I would want no report cards because it pressures me.It would also help you learn more because you get nervous about what grades you get and get bad grades on test.You could have more fun in class and try to get good grades on test.Kids can have a easier life without report cards.
You can play a game or video to let us learn so faster! I think it would be great if we have fun and learn at the same time.The teacher might like this because they can get what you are teaching us. Cherri
I have to give my teacher some advice I would tell them not to give to much homework and don't give reportcards. I don't like getting to much homework because sometimes I don't have time to play. Sometimes we don't have time to study. I hate getting reportcards because it's hard to get your grades up. Kids will have a easier life.
If I had to give my teacher advice I would tell them to give kids funner homework. It would be something we would still learn from but also something kids would enjoy. An example are games like multiplication wrestling. Another game we could play would be high number toss. That is what is what I would tell my teacher if she asked for advice.
I would say that I learn a diffrent way then most people. I am a visual learner. If I would say that Teachers need to learn all three ways. It is important to no all the ways so studants can sucid. This is one reason a teache should no, and be able to do.
You should give us a better education.You should give us more homework.You should teach us harder.You should prepare extra penciles.You should prepare more books.
You should give us a better education.You should give us more homework.You should teach us harder.You should prepare extra penciles.You should prepare more books.
I learn good with learning songs. It is easy for me because I memorise songs faster than learning other things. When I memorise the song. I will memorise what it is about. I thank this is a good way to learn!
I would try to make it fun for the students.we like to be on the computer more.In math use materials like ceral,or candy. We could get treats to make other people paticapate in shoolwork. Not give students reportcard then student mess up during class.
I think teachers should not pull chips. I think this because kids will keep doing things they are not souposest to do. They should just talk to thier parents, about what thier child is doing in class. Then they could have thier parent talk to them. The next day they might be acting better. That is what teachers should do.
Ladasia DON'T PULL CHIPS!!!!!
You could make one of your vidoes about science. So that parents could see what we are doing. Don't have report cars because everything that you do in school gets graded. So they can see what the grades are on you work you do in class. Have easyer school work.
You can help students by telling them to figure out a question.Also a answer. If you give us alot of homeworke we will have to worrie about reportcards. Then we have to work hard in class. You can teach us a new lesson that can help us learn. We can have more fun in class.
I would say to give us easier homework. I would want less homework becuase we could have more free time. Also you could have easier grading. you would be one of the best teathers I'd have
I would till my teacher give us a better Egducation . Give us more homework so we can be more smart. I will till my teacher my that if she keep giving us more homework that we will grow up and be smart adouts in this wrould. If my teacher keep teaching me she will be my faviot teacher.
You can help sudents by giving them example.You also can show them who to do shortcuts in some subjects.Another reason who to help them with a question or anwser.Giving us to much homework.
I would give my teacher some advice to my teacher in my class to put a video cammera so you could film who's being bad in the classroom and then show it to are perents. How to do lattice multipulcation.
Well, I would say is I can help Mrs. Heaton learn about me would help me learn is that I am really a talented girl, and I love to work with Mrs.Heaton when I don't understand something.I also want Mrs. Heaton about is that I can talk gallah (a african langunage), and I would love to teach Mrs.Heaton how to speak gallah. I think I can teach Mrs.Heatonhow to sing like a proo. Last is to give Mrs. Heaton drawing lessons.
I think Mrs. Heaton can't two-step, now that is the hardest dance ever made. Mrs. Heaton should also know how to do a slit. It would be halerryus if she could because I never seen a teacher in my life do a slit. Last I bet she get do a bridge, or a chartwheel.
By: Kirstin
You can help us by telling us figure the question out . Also not giving us homework. So we don't have to work hard in school. Another reason is worrie about reportcards. So we can have fun in class Marlon
You can help students by showing them shortcuts. You can also help them with subjects like math. Also helping them with anwsers or questions.By not giving us homework.We also don't need to worrie about reportcards .
If I had to give my teacher some advice I would tell not to give us any reporcard because then students will be so nerves and they will not do there best. And not giving us so much homework,because when they need to go to a sport they will be so tayer of tinking. Another problem is that we have so many teachers in they can give us alot of homework.And do extra homework.Maritza
I think teachers should have there students to make up there own way to make math and scince a hole lot easier. Also in reading and English like those big test they take let them write down notes about the lessons. In Social Studies make flash cards and such.
Make songs for every thing in school. I think that's how me and other students should learn how do alot of things in school.
If I could give my teachers some advice about what would help me learn. I would tell her that if we go out sied some time as we do woek. It would help my mien cool off. I know that will help me. I think that every teacher sould know that it is bad for a kid to get more than three time be for going to the prensebel. Nicole
All teachers nead to know that they can,t scream at kids. Just like at my other school, they allways would yell at you no matter how old or yung you were. They finnaly shut down the school and thats when I moved to MOSSY OAKS. Here in MOSSY OAKS the teachers are nice and I like nice teachers. Such as Mr.smith, Mrs.Hornsby, Mrs.Mills, Mrs.Mack, and Mrs.Heaton and don,t forget the specialls teachers.
Huntley M.
Mrs. Heaton's class,
You guys did such a great job with this post. You've given your teacher some wonderful ideas to think about and ways to help make sure you are learning as much as you can. Congratulations on being so sincere and thoughtful. I look forward to sharing your work with all of my teacher-friends and my students. Keep up the great work!
Mrs. Hines
4th grade teacher
Washington, NC
This is great advice! Thank you for all the good ideas. I just wish I knew how to play Multiplication Wrestling with my class. It sounds so fun!
I will be checking back to see about your 'worm bin!"
Mrs. Hake
I think that teachers could teach the kids better by coming up with methods for each thing that we learn. It's a good idea because it might help the kids to not only understand it but to organize it better. That way it's easy for you to grade it. Also, it would make it easier to teach. So as you can see, I think that making up methods.
I think teachers should give les homwork. Also I think teachers should have more fun activties. Another thing I think is that teachers should get alot more time for class. fourth they should get payed alot more. lastly you could start helping your teacher more.
One thing teachers should do to help students is to divide by if they know how to do it,or if they need help.The people who need help could go to the back in a group and get help. The others can seperate and do their work. One thing teachers should know about me is I can't get along with with a ceartain student very well. If we sit next to each other we'll argue.I think only Mrs.Mack knows how much chasos
their is when we're next to each other because she's experienced it.
You could make video ,or you could let us play with our TEACK DEAKs.
The thing that teachers probeley don`t know is that Teack Deacks are
really popular.
Advice that I would give teachers is to not call the students rude names like retarded. My teacher last year called most of the kids retarded. That bothered me because my sister is mentaly retarded. She did not care when I asked her to stop. Calling students rude names not only hurts their feelings but it also makes them hate going to your class. It also makes them afraid of the teacher. It would be great to not call students rude names. Cassandra
A thing that could help me learn is being creative with work. Like playing a game to help us learn division or math. I would want you to do this because more kids would listin and come to class. I hope you read mine and maybe make changes.
The advice I would give to teachers is that teachers always need to go back and go though test grades and other grades to see what students have down and don't. Then when you have the time you go over it. Once you think they've got it down try to help them learn. For example if I were to stugle in math or scince Mrs.Heaton or Mrs.Pettigrew could see what I'm strugling with and have me after school and work on it so I can stay up with the class. Some times students feel like they are a failure and need less presure so they don't feel like failures. The most students srugle with is multiplication and divsion. Try and come up with some games to help.
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